Currently there are a variety of options for hair loss including medical treatment with Rogaine and Propecia, hair pieces, and surgery. New techniques in hair replacement surgery are offered at Premier Plastic Surgery.

Male pattern baldness often begins with a receding hairline or thinning at the crown, and is the easiest condition to correct. It is progressive over a lifetime and is a major consideration for your surgeon. Hair replacement surgery frequently requires multiple grafts of hair being implanted during multiple sessions generally spacing each session at least four months apart to allow for adequate healing.

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Transplants And Age

It is not essential to be bald or nearly bald before undertaking hair transplantation. Age, also is no contraindication for hair transplantation. The younger the person, though, the more conservative the approach must be for transplantation, because the permanent donor site may not yet be established. Ideally, the patient should have dense growing hair in the donor sites to sufficiently fill any present or future areas of baldness.

Mini- And Micro-Grafting

The most commonly known hair replacement surgery requires taking a strip of hair-bearing scalp from the back of the head. The strip is then divided into several hundred smaller grafts. These grafts are then inserted into tiny slits in the scalp, and must be placed in such a way that hair grows in the same natural direction. While some grafts may contain up to five or six hairs, it is often necessary to use a number of grafts containing only one or two hairs to create a natural appearance. This is known as mini- and micro-grafting.

Other Techniques

A number of other surgical techniques are also employed for select patients and include scalp flaps, tissue expanders, and scalp reductions. It is important to have a personal consultation with Dr. Newman to determine your pattern of hair loss and the best method for hair restoration.