Coolsculpting is an FDA approved treatment which freezes fat while protecting your overlying skin.
The result is a loss of fat volume which can achieve a better body contour. The process takes about one hour for every area treated and is completely non invasive.
Dr. Newman recommends CoolScuplting for those patients which have a significant “bulge” of subcutaneous fat which can be drawn into the CoolSculpt applicator safely.
Patients who don’t have the downtime to undergo other liposculpting procedures may opt for the Coolsculpting procedure.
Dr. Newman offers Coolsculpting in San Mateo and in Palo Alto with his affiliated practice partners who perform Coolsculpting on a regular basis. Dr. Newman will personally evaluate your condition to determine if you are a candidate.
Patients who do not respond adequately to Coolsculpting may still undergo minimally invasive body contouring procedure such as Vaser Liposculpture, Sculpsure Laser Fat Treatment, and the Velashape III treatment. Please note that many patients require more than one modality of treatment to achieve their goals.